

The person behind this project is Florencia Carrizo, born in 1988 in Córdoba, Argentina.

She started drawing at very young age. Exploring arts in all its forms has always been her passion. Between 2007 and 2012 she studied at Faculty of Fine Arts at Universidat Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. During this period she became interested in painting with unconventional materials.

In early 2010, she accidentally broke a glow stick in a club. The moment the paint started to flow out she fell in love with fluorescent colors. Within several months after the ‘accident’ she got herself a black light and started to explore different pigments under ultra violet light.

Since her first experience with a broken glow stick until today Fluorencia participated in various events, such us live painting, art exhibitions, street art and various film projects where she was responsible for designs, storyboards and stop-motions.  Despite having success in different fields her main interest still remains painting with fluorescent colors and designing decorations for electronic parties, exhibitions, body painting and live painting. Due to the fusion of her works with music, people and movement this remains her main interest.

If you want to see more of Fluorencia’s creations feel free to visit:

Fluorencia home page
Fluorencia @ Facebook
Fluorencia @ Flickr
Fluorencia @ Deviantart

Booking contact: booking@omicrondeco.com

Note: When booking different artists for the same event, we are prepared to offer you special conditions. In other words you will save money when booking different artists together.